Below are a number of frequently asked questions that prospective parents may have about enrolling their child at our centre. If you wish to discuss any of the questions or answers further, then please contact us.
04 9392162

What if my child is still in nappies or is starting to toilet train?
The centre caters to children from the time they become confident walkers so most children are still in nappies when they start. We ask that you supply named nappies for your child each day so that they wear the correct type (size, absorbency, allergies). We do have back-ups available if they get through the supply. If your preference is for reusable nappies please provide a suitable bag to send the nappies home in at the end of the day. We can also support your child with toilet training once they reach this stage. We have regular toilet breaks for the children and we keep an eye on children who are transitioning. This includes active communication between teachers as your child moves around the centre. We want your child to succeed by making it to the toilet in time.
What if my child has allergies or is intolerant to certain foods?
Our centre has a long history of supporting children with allergies. Currently the centre is a nut free (all varieties of nuts fall into this category), you will be notified if these restrictions change. Our teachers have current first aid certificates which includes training to respond to allergic reactions. If your child has a severe allergy, let us know and we can discuss options. You supply your child’s morning tea and lunch each day which means you are able to control what they eat. Children wash their hands before meals and we sit together at the tables. The teachers ensure that each child eats from their own lunchbox and monitors any sharing of lunch box items.
What if my child has special needs or might need extra support?
Children come with different strengths and weaknesses and we recognise that some children will develop their own schedule. Please indicate if you think your child might need extra support so that we can understand what support your child might need and how we can best meet that. We will also work alongside any support that you may be receiving from outside agencies and ensure that your child gets the very best start to their learning journey.
What if my child speaks English as a second language?
No problem. The main language we use in the centre is English so your child will pick it up very quickly. Children are very active language learners at this age so they will quickly start communicating. Many of our younger children are still pre-verbal so we are used to understanding gestures and jargon. Our centre actively promotes Te Reo so all children will be exposed to learning words in a second language and we enjoy the cultural diversity that multilingual families bring. We are lucky enough to have a teacher who is fluent in mandarin, they are more than happy to offer extra support to your child if that is their first language.
Is the centre open during school holidays?
We close for approximately five weeks during the summer/Christmas holiday. We are open during the term breaks.
Can my child attend for a shorter session or can they start earlier/stay later?
We are funded by the Ministry based on your child’s actual attendance rather than the times they are enrolled for. That means that we lose funding if your child regularly misses their session or is regularly attending for only a short period. If you are not sure whether your child is ready to attend for a full session, please talk to the teachers about other options. We are unable to care for children outside of the scheduled session times. However, some families share drop off/pick up with each other so it’s possible that we could put you in touch with someone who is able to help. Alternatively, some families have a nanny or au pair who provides additional care.
What if my child still has an afternoon sleep?
The centre has a sleep room containing two cots which can be used for naps and we will work with you to best match the sleep times you want for your child. If your child unexpectedly falls asleep at the centre we can put them down in the cot, or we can contact you for an early pick up.
Is it possible to vary the days which my child attends on?
Generally no. We encourage your child to form bonds with the staff and children who are on the same sessions. This provides stability and increases their social skills. Sometimes we have a vacant slot in a session which we make available to existing parents on a casual basis at $42.50 per session. Please let us know if you are interested in these casual sessions.
What is the rate for 3 or 4 year old's who are not using their 20 hours ECE at the centre?
If a child is attending our centre over the attested 20 hours ECE or if they are attesting the 20 hours ECE elsewhere the cost for a session is the same as an under 3 i.e. $42.50 per session.
Is there a minimum or maximum age limit?
We do not have a dedicated infant’s room within the centre so children must be 16 months old before they can enrol with us. The maximum age is 6.
Is there a discount for multiple children or for attending more than two sessions per week?
Not at this time.
Is there a minimum or maximum number of sessions per week?
The minimum is one, the maximum is five.